Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Do You Have A Plan?

I had planned to write down my financial plans and goals today because I was inspired to do so by these posts from Well-Heeled and Single Ma. Both talked about how to tackle savings, investing, spending and paying off debt. I agreed with them on their points about 401(k) and IRAs, investing tax refunds, and striking a balance between spending and saving.

All of these are all well and good but I just realized (as I was writing this) that I really don’t have a concrete strategy at all. To be honest, I started all of this on a whim, motivated only by the PF blogs that I’ve started reading. Granted, some things were already in place like my employer’s deferred comp or my partially vested emergency fund. But looking at what I’m doing now, I definitely feel like I really don’t have an endgame right now. Sure, I could just as easily say that I want to have a $1,000,000 by the time I retire, but it seems that I’d just be copping out by stating a goal without really thinking things through yet.

So yeah. I know that this post now seems a little unneeded (is that a word?) But I suppose, just for me, I at least can realize that I really need to sit myself down and think long and hard not only what my goals should be but also what kind of plans I intend to follow through on so that I achieve those goals… no matter what they may be… once I figure them out.

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